Blogs & opinions
Wellbeing during exams: How to reduce stress and anxiety
For Stress Awareness Month, our Careers & Outreach Coordinator and Mental Health First Aider, Lyndsey Thomson, shares her top tips to help you reduce the stress and anxieties brought on by exams, deadlines and dissertations.
Exams in a time of Covid
Third-year LLB student, Daniel Walker, explores the nature of online exams and discusses why they should be approached in the same way as traditional, pre-Covid examinations.
Our 2021 priorities: Incapacity, mental health and adult care and protection
Adrian Ward makes the case for cross-party commitment to coordinated and updated legislation across adult incapacity, mental health, and adult support and protection law and practice, one of our priorities for the next Session of the Scottish Parliament.
Adapting to new ways of working
Ahead of their panel session at our Annual Conference on Friday 30 April, our sponsors Lockton considers what to consider when adapting to our current working environment.
What can we learn from IBA research on mental wellbeing in the profession?
Our Careers and Wellbeing Manager Olivia Moore takes a look at the recent International Bar Association research into mental wellbeing and considers how the findings compare with Society’s own research in this area.
Journal editorial April 2021
Truth and power: democracy in the UK is not in a very healthy state at present. What will happen after the May elections?
Exploring alternative careers: How I ended up building a career in marketing
As part of our blog series looking at alternative careers with an LLB, Emma O’Day, Head of Marketing at Cashroom, explores where her degree took her after graduating and deciding not to pursue a career as a solicitor.
Making the most of price transparency
Council member and convener of the Society's Professional Practice Committee, Austin Lafferty writes about the recent introduction of Price Transparency Guidance for the profession - and how he has found it a useful management tool for his business.
My time as a co-opted Board member
Lynsey Walker, Partner and Solicitor Advocate at Addleshaw Goddard LLP, shares what it was like to be the Society's co-opted Board member with less than 10 years PQE, how it helped her and why she would recommend the experience to all.
Easter: Bringing hope in troubled times
For Easter, Anthony Horan, Director of the Catholic Parliamentary Office of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, considers the meaning of this important Christian festival and the hope it offers as we begin to emerge from lockdown.
Regaining a sense of connectivity, certainty and control
For April's Stress Awareness Month, our Careers and Wellbeing Manager Olivia Moore explores its key themes of connectivity, certainty and control, and offers some practical tips.
Student wellbeing: How I'm managing mine
Glasgow University DPLP student Rachael Purvis discusses managing mental health at university and shares her top tips for maintaining positive mental wellbeing.
LinkedIn: Help or hindrance?
Anna Boyle, President of the University of Strathclyde's Law Society and third-year LLB student, looks at how our usage of social media has increased throughout the pandemic - but is this a good thing?
Exploring alternative careers: Ever thought about lecturing?
Emma Jackson and Jason Graham, who both lecture in law at City of Glasgow College, share their experiences of lecturing in further education and what it's really like. They offer their advice on how to get into this career and how they managed it themselves.
The Net-zero Journey: time to get off the merry-go-round?
Neil Amner, a member of the Society’s Environmental and Marine law sub-committees and the COP26 & Climate Change Working Group, writes about some of the challenges that will need to be addressed in our journey to net-zero carbon emissions.
International Women's Day 2021: What I've learned
Elaine MacGlone, our Equality & Diversity Manager and a solicitor, reflects on what she's learned from our series of blogs celebrating IWD 2021 and how even the smallest changes can make a difference.
Profile: Leslie Forsyth
Leslie Forsyth is a lay member of our Appeals and Reviews Committee, which is a Sub-Committee of the Regulatory Committee. Here, Leslie tells us about his experience as a committee member, what motivated him to join and what keeps him busy outside of work.
International Women's Day 2021: Inequality is everyone's issue
Professor Gillian Black, Chair of Scots Private Law at the University of Edinburgh Law School and Commissioner at the Scottish Law Commission, examines why ensuring women enter the profession has not been enough to create real change and lays down a challenge to male colleagues and friends.
Source of Funds and Source of Wealth: What you need to know
In the third and final blog in our series on the updated AML guidance for the UK legal sector, our Head of AML Graham MacKenzie explores an issue at the heart of effective anti-money laundering control: Source of Funds and Source of Wealth.
Exploring alternative careers: Success and satisfaction outwith legal practice
As part of our series of blogs exploring alternative career options, Kirstin Nee, Head of Scotland and Northern Ireland at DUAL Asset Underwriting, explores where her degree took her after graduating and deciding not to pursue a career as a solicitor.
International Women's Day 2021: My law is one that champions women
Claire Hawthorne, a trainee solicitor at Burness Paull LLP, discusses why her fears of entering a 'male-dominated' profession proved unfounded and the inspiring changes she has witnessed.
Journal editorial March 2021
As we restart the economy after the pandemic, the disadvantaged must not be left behind
International Women's Day 2021: Goodbye Queen Bee
Charlotte Edgar, an associate at CMS and the New Lawyers Representative on our Council, argues it's time to ditch the Queen Bee Syndrome narrative in favour of collaboration and support, so that all women can benefit from the successes of each other.
International Women’s Day 2021: Choose to challenge and change
Naeema Sajid, solicitor, co-founder of SEMLA, and member of the Family Law Sub Committee, reflects on the enduring importance of International Women's Day, why gender equality remains an issue in the legal profession, and the promise she makes to her granddaughter.