Blogs & opinions

2020 vision
Society's objectives set out for today's SGM

Leaner and fitter (2)
Journal editorial, September 2011

Conveyancing – nobody’s child?
Why do seling solicitors not give a proper response to queries regarding a title?

SLCC: one complaint fewer
Follow-up to letter published in July

Appealing approach
Are we too suspicious of the McCluskey "certification" proposal?

Access to justice: speaking in the public interest
Vice President explains the role of the Society’s Access to Justice Committee

Leaner and fitter
New look magazine set to make an impact

Conference call to action
"One Profession" event highlights opportunities in the years ahead

Living on the digital economy
Society's IP debate highlights attitude problem to rights protection

Go to jail
Riot cases highlight the problems in "cracking down"

Legal advice and assistance and legal aid accounts
Another anomaly comes to light in a case of an apparently mentally ill accused

Will Aid needs you!
Reasons for taking part in the 2011 campaign

Red letter day for legal aid
Government concession shows strength of united profession

A two tier PCC?
Can a single body do all that is required?

Complaints against the SLCC
Concerns about a complaint that was not sifted out as spurious

The corruption of power
The real problem with the News of the World is that it managed to stay above the law for so long

Food for further thought
McCluskey interim report useful, but more work to be done

Seen to be doing something
A constructive way forward for the anti-sectarianism bill?

UK Supreme Court needed as effective domestic remedy
Scottish Human Rights Commission open letter to Members of the Scottish Parliament

Salmond brings unity
Rare joint statement by President and Dean shows importance of issue

Independence vote: one is enough
Second poll would have high risk of indecisive outcome

Police station duty plan proposals unacceptable
Open leter from Glasgow Bar Association rejects current SLAB/Scottish Government plan

Judges and politicians
Scottish ministers have surely overstepped the mark this time

Access to justice for Scottish citizens
Open letter re the Scottish Government's attack on Scottish judges