Blogs & opinions

Not quite square one
Outcome of constitution debate suggests room to move forward

SLAS comments on Society's response
Law Agents' rejoinder on criticisms of new draft constitution

Society responds to SLAS on constitution
A reply to the Law Agents' five heads of concern

Glasgow v The Rest?
What might the GBA achieve with different representative bodies?

SLAS reasons for opposing new draft
Complaints of excessive erosion of members' rights and sloppy drafting

The AGM and the constitution
The constitution could do with updating even as regards participation in the meeting

Time for a fresh look at conflict of interest
Shorter version of a discussion paper related to the Scottish Law Agents Society motion before the Law Society of Scotland AGM

No placating some people
Breaking up the Law Society of Scotland would harm the profession

Breaking up the Law Society of Scotland
Member's letter calls on the GBA to think twice before pursuing its present course

Handbags at dawn
Row over phone call shouldn't disrupt the serious business of fair legal aid shares

Time to face the future
The case for approving the proposed new constitution of the Law Society of Scotland at the 2011 AGM

Wrong time, wrong document
The case for voting against the proposed new constitution of the Law Society of Scotland at the 2011 AGM

Levels of debate
Here's hoping that discussion of the proposed constitution will be less bitter than some recent arguments