Blogs & opinions

How to ace that video interview
DPLP student and founder of See Through Law, Amelia Mah, shares her top tips on how to make the best impression in your video interview for an internship or training contract.

New Year, New Plan: Make mentoring a resolution you can stick to!
Careers & Outreach Coordinator Lyndsey Thomson explains how mentoring can help you stick to those New Year resolutions and re-focus your career plans.

Holocaust Memorial Day 2021
Gillian Mawdsley, Policy Executive at the Society reflects on the role that civil servants, lawyers and legislation played in facilitating the policies leading to the murder of millions of European Jews and other civilians as part of her talk recorded to mark Holocaust Memorial Day 2021.

Five easy ways to get involved in Time to Talk Day
Here are five ways to take part in Time To Talk Day on Thursday 4 February, whatever your role, recommended by Lawscot Wellbeing.

Marking mental health days is so much more than a tick-box exercise
Olivia Moore, Careers and Wellbeing Manager at the Law Society of Scotland, discusses how marking mental health days can be an important way for employers to engage staff, break down stigma and raise confidence to speak about mental health issues.

Parents in the pandemic
With parents and carers once again forced to juggle homeschool and work, it's key that firms and organisations understand the issues faced by their employees and for those struggling to know they're not alone. Our Head of Careers & Outreach, Heather McKendrick, shares what we learned from the first lockdown.

Make stress management and resilience-building a priority for 2021
Fiona Chambers works part-time as an employment lawyer and also delivers workplace wellbeing training. In this piece, Fiona gives us twelve steps to take a proactive approach to managing stress and building resilience in the coming year.

Top 10 tips for law students and graduates who are looking for a training contract
Kirsty Lang is a solicitor at Lyons Davidson and a graduate of the 2008 recession. In this piece she offers her tips for students on seeking a traineeship in difficult times.

Journal editorial January 2021
Thoughts on pulling through a gloomy January; the legal aid package and talks; and the impact of the Brexit deal