Blogs & opinions

Austin's angle: the good of the system
Uniformity, or the benefits of a factory production line in the solicitor’s office

Conscience and the same-sex marriage debate
A plea for the right priorities as decisions are taken

Austin's angle: the key question for clients
Ask "What if?" to make them think about wills - or other needs

A tidal wave building?
Developments on ABS, featured in this month's Journal, highlight the imminence of change

Letter: SLCC – fix the sift
There should be a less expensive means of appealing a decision to sift through a complaint

Austin's angle: the potential of your wills bank
First in a series of blogs about increasing your efficiency and profitability as a firm

France says “Non” to ABS
The national council representing the local law societies in France has passed a resolution rejecting the concept of alternative business structures. A lawyer qualified in France and the UK explains why

Weight of evidence
Ministers should rethink rush to end corroboration