Blogs & opinions
Have you thought about your future, should you lose capacity to make your own decisions?
How much thought have you given to your future and what might happen if at some point you lose capacity to make decisions for yourself? Jennifer Paton reflects on the three main pieces of mental health and capacity legislation, their short comings and our comments and contributions in the context of the Mental Health Law Review.
Journal editorial August 2022: Crisis beyond cost?
The scale of the looming cost of living crisis due to energy price rises and other pressures could overwhelm the societal fabric on which many of our rights depend, without radical action
Mindfulness for busy professionals
Ashleigh Halpin – a HR and Mindfulness consultant who recently hosted a session for Lawscot Wellbeing during Mental Health Awareness Week – offers some further insight into mindfulness and how it can help with stress.
Insider tips for traineeship success – in-house and beyond
Arlene Gibbs, a Vice Convener of the In-house Lawyers Committee and solicitor at Aberdeenshire Council, asked a group of public sector NQ and trainee solicitors what they wish they’d known before starting their in-house traineeships.
Register of Overseas Entities opens
The Society's Property Law Committee Convener John Sinclair provides some guidance on the new Register of Overseas Entities which opened on Monday, 1 August.