Blogs & opinions

75th Conversations: John Macmillan and Ben Campbell
In the second instalment of 75th Conversations, Lawscot Foundation student Ben Campbell and Fellow John Macmillan discuss how the legal profession has evolved and their thoughts for the future of the sector.

CPD - from the lecture hall to laptop
Rachel Steer, Senior Manager of our CPD Research Team, considers how training for our members has moved from serving up bacon butties and lectures in conference halls, to delivering online training and specialist certification around the globe, ensuring that the Society's CPD content is dynamic, up-to-date and market leading.

Seven in 10 Wills ignore the issue of digital legacy
We live increasingly digital lives but how many of us have planned a good digital legacy? Seven in 10 of those making a Will leave no instructions about their online assets – or even a list of passwords – when they die. But both solicitors and financial advisers can help change that.

A profession driving change
In this retrospective piece, solicitor Adrian D. Ward MBE, a recognised international expert in adult incapacity law, reflects on the significant developments in legal practice over the years. Adrian discusses how the profession has adapted to societal changes and championing the rights of vulnerable individuals.

Developing resilience for law: An essential skill or an excuse for poor working practices?
Olivia Moore, Careers & Wellbeing Manager at the Law Society of Scotland, explores resilience and how much it's within our own ability to develop, or when it's unduly influenced by structural or cultural barriers at work.

How technology can positively impact risk management
Steven Thomson from Morton Fraser MacRoberts and former winner of the Innovation Cup Competition discusses the changes to this year’s competition and why you should enter.