Legal news
You are currently filtering for: eu-international
UK bars condemn Chinese sanctions against barristers
Joint statement takes stand against threat to rule of law
Study supports Europe-wide legal protection for lawyers
Council of Europe paper seeks to counter increasing harassment and threats
Commission said to be against UK Lugano membership
Refusal would be setback for ability to enforce judgments
EU releases draft UK data transfer clearance
Decisions to be further scrutinised ahead of final adoption
EU expected to approve data transfers to and from UK
Announcement predicted this week to assist business transfers
EU law Continuity Bill passes final stage
Bill to keep devolved Scots law aligned with EU passed by Holyrood
Amended court rules cover post-Brexit transition issues
New rules concern choice of court, insolvency proceedings and other matters
MSPs voice serious concerns over EU alignment bill
Bill's progress "depends on satisfactory response from Government": report
Singapore Convention will assist mediation enforcement
Businesses can seek court assistance in ratifying countries (not yet UK)
No defence to action to recover unlawful state aid
Inner House rules full amount must be paid following EU ruling
Scotland faces hard act keeping up with EU law: Faculty
Bill submission warns of scale of task, and potential conflict
IBA embarks on lawyers' mental wellbeing project
Surveys for individuals and law firms launched to provide key data
MSPs seek views on EU law continuity bill
Committees taking evidence on bill to keep Scots law aligned with EU law
Ministers introduce new EU law continuity bill
Particular focus on environment in powers to keep Scots law aligned with EU