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Lindsays extends Scottish Athletics sponsorship
New two-year deal for cross country events

Society's rugby club seeks players ahead of new fixture
First post-COVID match has Italian opposition in November

Law firm’s charity auction raises £73,000
JEL gives funds to pancreatic cancer group

Clyde & Co raise £8,000 for charity
Employees take part in sporting fund-raiser

Brodies takes tennis support into restart programme
Back to Tennis with Brodies produced with Judy Murray Foundation

Quarantine rules face challenge as they take effect
Airlines claim 14 day rule irrational and disproportionate

EURO 2020 wrongful trading bill passed
Ticket touting and unauthorised trading banned round Glasgow matches

Bill introduced to penalise Euro 2020 ticket touts
Measure to criminalise profiteering from Glasgow matches

Advocate to become international cricket umpire
David McLean appointed to development panel

McKenzie goes in-house with SPFL on leaving Harper Macleod
Four firms appointed to external panel

Punter fails in payout bid in action over Rangers' "relegation"
Judge holds application to join lower league not within terms of bet

Harper Macleod to advise Glasgow 2018
City to host combined European Championships along with Berlin

Injured golf club member's case against committee members dismissed
Averring personal responsibility did not avoid rule that members cannot sue

Holyrood members' bills proposed against fracking and on football club liability
Consultations running on two MSPs' projects

Gillespie Macandrew puts its money on the horses again
Firm to be Hopetoun Horse Trials headline sponsor for sixth year

Legal firm sponsors both Dundee professional football clubs
McEwan Fraser adds to Inverness Caledonian Thistle deal

Brodies teams up with Gleneagles again for new tennis event
Invitation tournament also aims to encourage young players

Burness Paull to sponsor Scotland at Homeless World Cup
Backing for men's and women's teams at Glasgow hosted event

Sport's Hall of Fame event backed by Harper Macleod
Five to be inducted at ceremony next week

Football supporters offered options on rights in their clubs
Ministers open consultation under Community Empowerment Act

Scots out to defend Law Rugby World Cup
Undefeated team aiming for third win

MMS to sponsor top Olympic swimmer
Help for Keri-anne Payne in her bid for glory in Rio